
segunda-feira, julho 03, 2006

Sharing Resources for Knowledge


I. Professor KENNETH J. GERGEN (Home Page)
Department of Psychology
Swarthmore College


Os seguintes artigos podem ser consultados:
See The Following Articles

Social Psychology as Social Construction: The Emerging Vision

Psychological Science in Cultural Context

Narrative, Moral Identity and Historical Consciousness: a Social Constructionist Account

The Ordinary, the Original and the Believable in Psychology's Construction of the Person

Is Diagnosis a Disaster?: A Constructionist Trialogue

When Relationships Generate Realities: Therapeutic Communication Reconsidered

Constructionist Dialogues and the Vicissitudes of the Political

Social Construction and the Transformation of Identity Politics

Social Theory in Context: Relational Humanism

Organizational Science in a Postmodern Context

Technology and the Self: From the Essential to the Sublime

Technology and the Transformation of the Pedagogical Project

Who Speaks and Who Replies in Human Science Scholarship?

The Place of the Psyche in a Constructed World

Toward a Cultural Constructionist Psychology

The New Aging: Self Construction and Social Values



This bibliography is comprised of journal articles, monographs and several dissertations that discuss topics in narrative therapy and the use of the narrative in various disciplines. Searches in PsychInfo, Medline and Expanded Academic Index produced a majority of the following citations. The materials and articles listed below cover the time period 1980 to the present and by no means represent the full scope of publications that address the topic of narrative therapy. However, this collection of material does reflect the use of narrative therapy in counseling and research conducted in this field.

III. Narrative Therapy on the Internet: An ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY of World Wide Web Resources By Melaine Forsburg MLS


An increasing amount of psychological data/research is being published electronically and most of this information is available on the Internet, making the World Wide Web (WWW) a new medium for study. “Searching the net” for narrative therapy sites and resources can be rewarding and enjoyable.
The format for this bibliography includes: the title of the source, which is what the site is called or referred to; the organization or author, who or which institution or group responsible for this source; and the URL, the uniform resource locator, which is the address on the WWW for this source. The user must type in the exact URL in order to access the site.




"The Self and its Constructions: A Narrative Faith in the Postmodern World" Barbara J.Socor

"The Story of the Self: The Self of the Story" James E. Giles

"Adolescence: From the unstoried life to the construction of the first narrative" Kevin Barry

"The Integrity of a Narrative Path: Circles of Possibilities" Robert Monteleone

"Have You Ever Seen the Wizard? Thoughts From a School Psychologist" Anthony Bongo

"Story, Silence and Spirit: The Crisis of the First-Person Pronouns" Reggie Marra

"The Pearl in the Crab: A Personal Discovery of the Treasure in Metaphor" Noirin Foley

"Some Facts Concerning the Life of Brother Thomas Gerald Bullen" Brother Thomas Gerald Bullen

V. FAMILY THERAPY - The University of Calgary

Article available:

Alan Parry

Why We Tell Stories

Karl Tomm

Forgiveness and Reconciliation - PowerPoint Summary

Reflexive Questioning - PowerPoint Summary

Interventive Interviewing: Part I. Strategizing as a Fourth Guideline for the Therapist

Interventive Interviewing: Part II. Reflexive Questioning as a Means to Enable Self Healing

Interventive Interviewing: Part III. Intending to Ask Lineal, Circular, Reflexive or Strategic Questions?

The Ethics of Dual Relationships

Beginnings of a HIPs and PIPs' Approach to Psychiatric Assessment

A Critique of the DSM

Enabling Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Family Therapy

Externalizing the Problem and Internalizing Personal Agency

Gary Sanders

Twelve Successful Premises of a Healing and Therapeutic Childcare Orientation

VI. "Narrative Psychology By KEVIN MURRAY"


Narrative psychology is a burgeoning field of research into the way stories shape lives. During the past ten years, I have published a number of articles and chapters in this field which develop the concept of `narrative partitioning'--the circumstances in which something extraordinary can happen in an individual life.



This 'virtual faculty' began to form in late 1994. As faculty members we share a sufficient common interest to have enabled us to come together in this networked forum nearly one year later. Perhaps the 'key plank' in our common interest is what has been termed 'the discursive turn' (aka 'the second cognitive revolution') that has begun to occur in a number of areas of contemporary psychology. What is this 'discursive turn'?

Works-in-Progress and Projects of this Virtual Faculty

1. Work-in-progress: Prologue to the process of social construction
2. The Embarrassment Project
3. The Vygotsky Project
4. The Virtual Faculty Project
5. Alternative Media for Communicating
6. Theoretical Resources for Narrative Therapy.

Papers Available:

Michael Bamberg
Language, Concepts and Emotions
Affirmation and Resistance of Dominant Discourses
Why young American English-speaking children confuse anger and sadness: a study of how anger develops in practice.

Mick Billig
Freud and Dora: repressing an oppressed identity.
The Dialogic Unconscious: psycho-analysis, discursive psychology and the nature of repression

Luis Botella
- Constructivism and narrative psychology
- Qualitative analysis of sef-narratives: A constructivist approach to the storied nature of identity (Luis Botella, Sara Figueras, Olga Herrero, & Meritxell Pacheco)
- Changes in self-construction over the course of constructivist psychotherapy: A case study using repertory grid and self-characterization (Meritxell Pacheco & Luis Botella)
- Clinical psychology, psychotherapy, and mental health: Contemporary issues and future dilemmas
- Personal construct psychology, constructivism, and postmodern thought
- Personal construct psychology, constructivism, and psychotherapy research
- Personal construct psychology in a changing Europe: From the matrix of decision to multiphrenic identity.
NEW! Clinical psychology, psychotherapy, and mental health: Contemporary issues and future dilemmas.

Nancy Budwig
Language and the construction of self: Developmental reflections

Daniel Chandler
Semiotics for Beginners

Mike Cole
The world beyond our borders: What might our students need to know about it?

Bronwyn Davies and Rom Harré
Positioning: The discursive production of selves.

Ken Gergen
•Social Psychology as Social Construction: The Emerging Vision
•Psychological Science in Cultural Context
•Narrative, Moral Identity and Historical Consciousness: a Social Constructionist Account
•The Ordinary, the Original and the Believable in Psychology's Construction of the Person
•Is Diagnosis a Disaster?: A Constructionist Trialogue
•When Relationships Generate Realities: Therapeutic Communication Reconsidered
•Constructionist Dialogues and the Vicissitudes of the Political
•Social Construction and the Transformation of Identity Politics
•Social Theory in Context: Relational Humanism
•Organizational Science in a Postmodern Context
•Technology and the Self: From the Essential to the Sublime
•Technology and the Transformation of the Pedagogical Project
•Who Speaks and Who Replies in Human Science Scholarship?
•The Place of the Psyche in a Constructed World
•Toward a Cultural Constructionist Psychology
•The New Aging: Self Construction and Social Values
•Writing as Relationship
•La Terapia Como Una Construccion Social Dimensiones, Deliberaciones, y Divergencias
•The Poetic Dimension: Therapeutic Potentials
•Psychological Science in a Postmodern Context
•Movimento do Construcionismo Social na Psicologia Moderna

Rom Harré
The rediscovery of the human mind.
Nagel's Challenge and the Mind-Body Problem.
Social constructionism and consciousness

Andy Lock
•Against cognitivism: the discursive construction of cognitive mechanisms.
•A framework for understanding 'selves'.
•On the recent origin of symbolically-mediated language and its implications for psychological science.
•The role of gesture in the establishment of symbolic abilities: continuities and discontinuities in early language development.
•Narratives and infancy
•Handbook of Human Symbolic Evolution.
•Human nature, learning and mind
•Preverbal communication
•Phylogenetic time and symbol creation: where do ZOPEDS come from?

Tim McCreanor
- Mimiwhangata: Media reliance on Pakeha commonsense in interpretations of Maori actions

Johnathan Potter
•Post-cognitive psychology
•Discourse analysis and constructionist approaches: Theoretical background

The Public Conversations Project
•From diatribe to dialogue on divisive public issues: Approaches drawn from family therapy

Lois Shawver
•What is postmodernism and what does it have to do with therapy, anyway? NEW!

John Shotter
•Wittgenstein's world: Beyond the 'Way of Theory' Toward a 'Social Poetics'
•'Now I Can Go On': Wittgenstein and Communication
•Talk of Saying, Showing, Gesturing, and Feeling in Wittgenstein and Vygotsky
•Vico, Wittgenstein, and Bakhtin: 'Practical trust' in dialogical communities
•Dialogical realities: The ordinary, the everyday, and other strange new worlds
•Living moments in dialogical exchanges
•Problems with the 'way of theory'
•Social construction as social poetics: Oliver Sacks and the case of Dr. P
•Social constructionism and 'providential dialogues'
•The social construction of our inner lives
•Toward a third revolution in psychology: From mental representations to dialogical social practices
•Life inside the dialogically structured mind: Bakhtin's and Volosinov's account of mind as out in the world between us
•Putting a (dialogical) practice into our practices...A whole new language-game for psychology
•Action research as history making
•Must we 'work out' how to act jointly
•Inside dialogical realities: from an abstract-systematic to a partipatory-wholistic understanding of communication
•Seeing historically: Goethe's and Vygotsky's 'enabling theory-method'
•Inside an external world
•Can subjectivity be theorized?
•The end of organizations and the emergence of self-developing, conversational communities.
•From within our lives together: the dialogical structure of our 'inner worlds'.
•Problems with the way of theory.
•Writing from within "living moments:" "withness-writing" rather than "aboutness-writing."
•Dialogue, depth, and life inside responsive orders: from external observation to participatory understanding.
•At the boundaries of being: Re-figuring intellectual life.
•Wittgenstein and his philosophy of beginnings and beginnings and beginnings. Paper given at the American University, Washington DC, March 26th 2000, at a Wittgenstein Conference in honor of Rom Harré.
•Wittgenstein and the everyday: from radical hiddenness to 'nothing is hidden'; from representation to participation (In Journal of Mundane Behavior).
•At the boundaries of being: re-figuring our intellectual lives together (Plenary speech at "Psychology 2000 - Congress," Joensuu, Finland, 30th August to 2nd September).
•Constructing 'resourceful or mutually-enabling communities: putting a new (dialogical) practice into our practices (Paper presented at the Presidential Session at the AECT Conference, Denver, Oct 25th-28th, 2000) (PDF format).
•Instead of theory critique and debate: Voloshinov's unending, dialogically-structured participatory mode of inquiry.

Jim Wertsch and Mike Cole
- The role of culture in Vygotskyean-informed psychology

VII. See also related sites:

The Center for Collaborative Change
Narrative Psychology
Robert Cline's Marraige and Family Therapy Page
Jennifer Freeman and Dean Lobovits' pages
Non Mainstream Psychotherapy and Counselling Resources on the Internet: New Models and Paradigms Links Page


Hermeneutics and Psychiatry (Fuerst, 2001)

Hermeneutical Practice and Clinical Psychiatry ‹ the act of interpretation as it is involved with understanding a patient. [Methods for interpreting a patients thought schemas. Determining the influence of a disorder on a patient's thoughts. Interpreting to what extent the disorder is an aspect of the patient (subjectively induced), and to what it is acting on the patient. Interpretation as a methodology for psychotherapy. The use of phenomenology as a method to facilitate interpretation.]

Hermeneutical Theory and Clinical Psychiatry ‹ The theory of interpretation and its corresponding implication for interpreting the patient. [What counts as Truth (Althethia or re-presentation)? Can an accurate assessment of a patient¹s concept schema be arrived at?]

Hermeneutical Practice and Theoretical Psychiatry ‹ the act of interpretation as it involves classifying and categorizing diseases, and states of health; also the interpretation of and the communication between different psychiatric perspectives. [Interpreting symptoms and classifying them. The delineation of perspectives in psychiatry. Determining whether ideal type classifications are preferable to polythetic classifications.]

Hermeneutical Theory and Theoretical Psychiatry ‹ The theory of interpretation and its implications for categorization and classifications of disease in addition to the capacity for interperspective dialogue. [Can an ideal model (perspective) of psychiatry be arrived at? Is such a synthesized model desirable? To what extent can perspectivistic dialogue be achieved?]

Hermeneutics, Clinical and Cognitive Psychology Bentivegna (2002)

-- Critical Hermeneutics and Clinical Psychology
-- Two Hermeneutical Approaches to Cognitive Psychology

IX. ROBYN FIVUSH, Ph.D. Department of Psychology Emory University: Manuscripts and Coding Manuals



Fivush, R., & Buckner, J.P. (in press). Creating gender and identity through autobiographical narratives. In R. Fivush & C. Haden (Eds.) Autobiographical memory and the construction of a narrative self: Developmental and cultural perspectives. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum

Creating coherence out of chaos? Children's narratives of emotionally negative and positive events. Applied Cognitive Psychology. Fivush, R., Hazzard, A., Sales, J.M., Sarfati, D., & Brown, T. (in press).

- Fivush, R., & Reese, E. (in press). Reminiscing and relating:The development of parent-child talk about the past. In J. Webster and B. Haight (Eds.). Critical advances in reminiscence work. NY: Springer

Coding Manuals:

Emotion Coding Manual

Adapted from: Adams, S.A., Kuebli, J., Boyle, P.E., & Fivush, R. (1995). Gender differences in parent-child talk about past emotions: A longitudinal investigation. Sex Roles, 33, 309-323.
and: Fivush, R., Brotman, M., Buckner, J., & Goodman, S.(2000). Gender differences in parent-child emotion narratives. Sex Roles, 42, 233-253.

Maternal Reminiscing Coding Manual

Adapted from: Reese, E., Haden, C. A., & Fivush, R. (1993). Mother-child conversations about the past: Relationships of style and memory over time. Cognitive Development, 8, 403-430.
and: Fivush, R., & Fromhoff, F. (1988). Style and structure in mother-child conversations about the past. Discourse Processes, 11, 337-355.

Parent-Child Narrative Structure Coding Manual

From: Fivush, R., Haden, C., & Adam, S. (1995). Structure and coherence of preschoolers' personal narratives over time: Implications for childhood amnesia. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 60, 32-56.



Lista de artigos

Fundamentos Teóricos del Enfoque Post-Racionalista por Alfredo Ruiz

La Narrativa en la Terapia Cognitiva Post-Racionalista por Alfredo Ruiz

Aportes de Humberto Maturana a la psicoterapia por Alfredo Ruiz

Ontology of Observing por Humberto Maturana

Las Contribuciones de Humberto Maturana a las Ciencias de la Complejidad y la Psicología por Alfredo Ruiz

Metadesign por Humberto Maturana

Significado Social y Viabilidad Emocional Narrativa por Alvaro Quiñones Bergeret

Los Procesos del Self: Continuidad vs. Discontinuidad (Borrador) por Vittorio F. Guidano

Psicoterapia: Aspectos Metodológicos, Problemas Clínicos y Preguntas Abiertas (Borrador) por Vittorio F. Guidano

La Psicosis: Perspectiva Cognitiva Post-Racionalista (Borrador) por Alfredo Ruiz

La Terapia Cognitiva Procesal Sistémica de Vittorio Guidano: Aspectos Teóricos y Clínicos por Alfredo Ruiz

Evolución y desarrollo del self por Felipe Lecannelier

Consciencia y Autoconsciencia; La Evolución de la Subjetividad por Jaime Silva C.

Juego de ficción, narrativa y desarrollo de la experiencia humana por Felipe Lecannelier A.

Conversación con Vittorio Guidano por Alfredo Ruiz

El Amor como el Dominio Emocional Humano. La Visión Post-Racionalista de Vittorio Guidano por Alfredo Ruiz

Vittorio F. Guidano: Un breve retrato intelectual por Gherardo Mannino

Teoría de la Mente y espectro autista por Daniel Valdez


Towards a "Common Sense" Deconstruction in Narrative Therapy

The Narrative Dance around the Maypole:a Choreographic Analysis of the Movements of A Narrator that Reveal the Locus of Control of the Narrative




The Centre brings together work on narrative that is being pursued in a variety of contexts across the social sciences. Such work includes analyses of the structure of social stories and the processes of social storytelling, and explorations of the relationship between narratives and the social world. The Centre supports research on spoken, written and visual narratives. It is committed to interdisciplinarity; it draws psychological, sociological, anthropological and cultural studies research traditions. It supports collaborations between Centre members and associates, and provides a forum for researchers in applied and policy settings, as well as for academics. As the only social science institution with a general narrative focus in Britain, it has national significance. It also has a strong international dimension, serving as a meeting point for researchers in the field, particularly from the rest of Europeand the US.



This site focuses upon narrative perspectives in psychology and allied disciplines and provides an introductory and interdisciplinary guide to bibliographical and Internet resources concerned with "the storied nature of human conduct" (Sarbin, 1986) broadly conceived. Narrative in psychology itself has developed particularly notable links with the emergent discipline of cultural psychology (Bruner, 1990). This page also archives materials from a course, PSY 444 Narrative Psychology, taught at LeMoyne College, will serve as a background resource for a forthcoming graduate course at Massey University (NZ), 175.775 The Narrative Perspective, and suggests other pedagogical materials concerned with the study of narrative.



Postmodern questioning is not just for the sake of questioning. It has developed from a growing awareness that things are more complicated than they at first seem, and that simplistic stories about things have been used to justify regretable things, and a hope that some doubt and questioning can make the world safer for all of us.

XVI. NARRATIVE APPROACHES By Jennifer Freeman and Dean Lobovits


Narrative Therapy Papers and Information
Narrative Therapy Bookshop
The Peace Family Project
Narrative Workshop Schedules



Articles to read

On this part of our web page we are in the process of including a series of popular articles recently published by Dulwich Centre Publications. More articles will be placed here soon! Stay tuned for more reading...

- Introducing narrative therapy

1. What is narrative therapy? An easy-to-read introduction by Alice Morgan
2. Externalising: Commonly asked questions by Maggie Carey & Shona Russell
3. Current workshop notes
* Externalising conversations exercise
* Statement of position maps 1 & 2
* Therapeutic posture
* Re-authoring conversations
* Re-membering conversations
* Definitional ceremony and outsider-witness
* Attending to the consequences of trauma
* Distinctions between traditional & modern power
* Addressing personal failure by Michael White

- Narrative therapy practice articles

4. Feminism, therapy and narrative ideas compiled by Shona Russell & Maggie Carey
5. The journey of a lifetime: Group work with young women who have xperienced sexual assault by Lisa McPhie & Chris Chaffey
6. Collaborative representation: Narrative ideas in practice by Sue Mann
7. There's a garden somewhere by Loretta Perry
8. Narrative practice and the unpacking of identity conclusions by Michael White
9. Making sense of illness narratives: Braiding theory, practice and the embodied life by Kaethe Weingarten
10. Linking lives around shared themes: Narrative group therapy with gay men by Chris Behan
11. Dancing with death by Lorraine Hedtke

- Narrative therapy & supervision:

12. A Mexican perspective on teaching narrative ideas by Emily Sued & Barbara Amunategui
13. Outsider-witness practices and group supervision by Hugh Fox, Cathy Tench & Marie
14. Storying professional identity from an interview with John Winslade
15. Reflecting Teamwork as Definitional Ceremony by Michael White
16. Reflecting Teamwork as Definitional Ceremony Revisited by Michael White

XVIII. The Center for Collaborative Change




Kerry Takes Her Life Back From M.E. Transcript From David Epston

Greetings From Europe by Tapio Malinen

Uncovering MRI Roots in Solution-Focused Therapy by Eve Lipchik, M.S.W.

Reflecting Teams: An Imaginary Dialogue By Lynn Hoffman, 10/16/99 from PMTH web site

Her-story Case Note by Deb Chaisson

African American experience and the healing of relationships by Kenneth V. Hardy from the Dulwich Centre web page

SFBT With Eating Distresses by Frederike Jacob

Do Your Words Match Your Practice? by Scot Cooper

Digging For Gold: An Exploration Of Strength by Janice Mulligan

Creative Conversation: From "therapy" to "consultation" by John Walter

Complexity, Conversations, Convergence and Consultations by Kevin Clouthier

How to "Hear," and "See" From Don D. Jackson's Interactional Therapy Perspective by Wendel A. Ray

When Is Change Really Real by Nick Triantafillou


Grupo de Investigação em Psicoterapia Post-Racionalista

Artigos de Interesse (Abstract)
Articles to Read

De la revolución cognitiva a la intervención sistémica en términos de complejidad: la relación entre teoría y practica en la evolución de un terapeuta cognitivo. Por vittorio guidano

La terapia cognitiva desde una perspectiva evolutivo-constructivista. Por vittorio guidano

Terapia cognitivo sistemico-procesual de la pareja. Por vittorio guidano & maurizio dodet

Psicoterapia: aspectos metodológicos, cuestiones clínicas y problemas abiertos desde una perspectiva postracionalista. por vittorio guidano

Psicoterapia cognitiva postracionalista y ciclo de vida individual. Por vittorio guidano

Enfoque postracionalista en un caso de trastorno disociativo de la personalidad. Por vittorio guidano

Organización de significado personal: una estructura hermenéutica global. Por Álvaro T. Quiñones Bergeret

De la dinámica afectiva-cognitiva a la emergencia de significado narrativo: análisis de un proceso psicoterapéutico. Por álvaro t. quiñones bergeret

Mais Artigos de Interesse (Full Text)
More Interesting Articles (Full Text)

La moviola. (texto completo versión en italiano). Por Maurizio Dodet

La moviola. (texto completo versión en castellano).Por Maurizio Dodet

De la dinámica afectiva-cognitiva a la emergencia del significado narrativo: análisis de un proceso piscoterapéutico. (texto completo). Por álvaro t. quiñones bergeret

Las organizaciones de significado personal de vittorio guidano: una llave explicativa de la experiencia humana.(texto completo). Por luis oneto lagomarsino y andrés moltedo perfetti

Organización de significado personal: una estructura hermenéutica global.(texto completo)Por álvaro t. quiñones bergeret

Terapia cognitivo sistémico-procesual de la pareja. (texto completo) Por Vittorio guidano y Maurizio dodet

Sincretismo, eclectismo e integración en psicoterapia (texto completo)
archivo1 archivo2
archivo3 archivo4
por Manuel Villegas i Besora

Moldear la arcilla. El proceso de construcción del self y su relación con la psicoterapia (texto completo) Por Patricia M. Crittenden


Constructivism and Narrative Psychology. Luis Botella.

Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy and Mental Health; Contemporary Issues and Future Dilemmas. Luis Botella.

Personal Construct Psychology in a Changing Europe: From the Matrix of Decission to Multiphrenic Identity. Luis Botella.

Stances towards research and stances towards theoretical orientation as a trend towards the integrative attitude in psychotherapy. Sergi Corbella & Luis Botella.

Spanish version of Working Alliance / Theory of Change Inventory. Sergi Corbella & Luis Botella.

The Meaning of your Absence: One Father's Story of Grief. Luis Botella, Olga Herrero, Robert Neimeyer, Meritxell Pacheco, Sara Figueras & Luis Alberto Werner-Wildner.

Educación, Constructivismo y Posmodernidad. Sara Figueras y Luis Botella.

Posmodernidad y Psicoterapia. Luis Botella y Sara Figueras.

El Ser Humano Como Constructor de Conocimiento: El Desarrollo de las Teorías Científicas y las Teorías Personales. Luis Botella.

Diálogo, Relaciones y Cambio: Una Aproximación Discursiva a la Psicoterapia Constructivista. Luis Botella.

Pensamiento Posmoderno Constructivo y Psicoterapia. Luis Botella, Meritxell Pacheco y Olga Herrero.

La Alianza Terapéutica: Historia, Investigación y Evaluación. Sergi Corbella y Luis Botella.

La Técnica de Rejilla en la orientación personal: estudio de un caso. Guillem Feixas.

XXII. HARLENE ANDERSON (some articles)

Carl Rogers:

Postmodern Collaborative and Person-Centered Therapies: What Would Carl Rogers Say?

Collaborative Learning Communities:

Supervsion as a Collaborative Learning Community

Becoming a Postmodern Collaborative Therapist:

Part I: Clinical Journey
Part II: Theoretical Journey


Ethics and Uncertainty: Brief Unfinished Thoughts

Postmodern Therapies and Practices:

Postmodern Social Construction Therapies


Listening, Speaking, and Hearing: The Relationship to Dialogue

Consultation and Supervision Exercises:

As If Exercise

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